# The Co[de]-Lab
A blog to chronicle experiences in education, research, and software development.
# Welcome!
I began this site to document and share my personal experiences so that they may inform and inspire others. It is my hope that this site will be a good way to share my process and garner feedback. I want to be transparent in my development of projects and ideas, so that others will have the information necessary to comment and critique my work, or use my work as a starting point for their own. If you have any criticisms or would like to discuss any content that has been published on this site, please feel free to reach out. the whole point of this site relies on your input, feedback, and participation. It is my personal belief that community and collaboration are key to achieving good code, and more importantly "The Good Life" (yes there are things more important than good code!). I hope this site helps spawn collaboration for myself and my readers.
I was inspired to start this site by my good friend Miles Conn (opens new window). Go check out his site for more musings on technology. Thanks for the help in getting this site set up.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this site. Go learn something new!
# Governing Definition of This Site:
Co[de]-Lab : A collaborative coding laboratory.
- Code - a system of principles or rules; instructions for a computer.
- Laboratory - a place providing opportunity for experimentation, observation, or practice in a field of study
- Collaborate - to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor
# Disclaimer
While this site is designed to be an educational resource, I am not an expert in any of the subjects discussed here. These are topics that I am passionate about and enjoy exploring, but do not take my writing as fact on the subject. These posts are merely my opinions on the topic, and I encourage you to question and research these topics on your own. This site aims to make my process transparent, and in doing so, will naturally also adopt my own biases. However, I will never intentionally post misinformation, and will try to avoid writing on topics I lack an adequate understand of.
# Now Entering a Construction Zone. Hardhats Required
I'm just getting started so there isn't much to see here yet. Come back later for some cool content!
If you care to see what I'm currently working on, check out my Github (opens new window).